Mozilla Event @ eLiberatica 2009Mozilla is a global community of thousands who sincerely believe in the power of technology to enrich people's lives. Like every year, Mozilla will be present at eLiberatica 2009, but in a different format. Together with the local Mozilla community (, a bigger event will be organized, where you can discover more about the Mozilla Ecosystem. So don't forget to visit the Mozilla booth and get involved (we have a lot of surprises in store for you). Why participate?Because you will discover and learn about the Mozilla Ecosystem and interact with enthusiast people who are working and volunteering for the Mozilla Project. Mozilla Event Speakers More Mozilla representatives you will meet at the boothBesides Alina, Irina and Zbigniew, at the Mozilla booth you will meet: Event contact information Mozilla Event Chair and Coordinator Mozilla Event PR Coordinator eLiberatica Chairman & Conference Coordinator |
Event ScheduleYou can find Mozilla Event schedule details Who should visit the booth?
An open and interactive event for all!Mozilla representatives will hold presentations about the Mozilla Ecosystem and about how the Mozilla community works. We would like to tell you about the Mozilla Ecosystem and about how you can spread the word. We are looking forward to talk to you about the new features in upcoming Firefox and Thunderbird releases, Mozilla localization, the local community, Ubiquity, add-ons, the Open Web and Mozilla community marketing. Also, the Mozillians present at the booth will give away T-shirts and merchandise. Don't hesitate to approach us if you have any questions or would like to know anything about our projects, if you have ideas or if you would simply like to get involved . We are open :). Mozilla Event OrganizersThe event is chaired, organized and managed by Alina Mierlus and Irina Sandu, active members of Mozilla Europe, and backed up by Mozilla Romania Community.
Alina is a Free Software, Open Standards and Open Source Development Model activist and evangelist. She is now is contributing to Mozilla Europe by helping with community building and community marketing for Romanian and Catalan Mozilla communities. She is also collaborating with OSOR project as news reporter. During the last 5 years she has been contributing in various FLOSS projects, organizing events and seminars, public speaking about FLOSS, building communities and coordinating projects. She strongly believes in the importance of educating people in Free Software and Open Source.
Irina has been involved with Mozilla for 4 years. She started as a website localizer and later contributed to PR and Marketing efforts, too. She currently maintains the Romanian version of the Mozilla Europe website, along with organizing community events and PR activities. Irina's contribution to the Mozilla Project involves, but is not limited to, localization, community building and product marketing activities. She blogs on the Romanian Mozilla community blog at and is studying advertising. |