Latest newsOnly a few days!14 May 2007 Dear friends,We only have few days left until the first word will be spoke at eLiberatica....more » Only a month until the conference22 Apr 2007 Dear friends,
As you might have noticed, under the Sessions and Workshops section ...more » 40% discount – 28th February, the last chance27 Feb 2007 28th February 2007 is the last day when you still can buy the special discounted ticket at eLiberatica – 40% off for Basic Conference Ticket....more » |
eLiberatica and ROSI – the official logos
Both eLiberatica and ROSI have official logos! All ROSI members brought their contribution to these ideas, but those who proved their artistic skills were Mircea Drăgoi with an excellent eLiberatica logo and Ionuţ Popa
– one of the youngest members – with ROSI logo. Also, Agora started the work on editing an official partnership document; document witch will stipulate the creation of an ONG as soon as the conference will take place 31 Jul 2006