Latest newsOnly a few days!14 May 2007 Dear friends,We only have few days left until the first word will be spoke at eLiberatica....more » Only a month until the conference22 Apr 2007 Dear friends,
As you might have noticed, under the Sessions and Workshops section ...more » 40% discount – 28th February, the last chance27 Feb 2007 28th February 2007 is the last day when you still can buy the special discounted ticket at eLiberatica – 40% off for Basic Conference Ticket....more » |
Agora Media – the official ROSI partner for eLiberatica
In May 2006, for the first time, some of the ROSI members (Ştefan Petre, Adrian Florea, Laurenţiu Fogoroş, Leontin Bîrsan, Ciprian Alexandru and Lucian Savluc – who was in Romania for the whole month) met in Braşov and talked about future steps. The need to attract new members, to involve companies from the country in the process and especially the necessity to find a strong, trustful partner were also brought into discussion. Given so, it was decided that ROSI and Agora will work together like partners to organize eLiberatica conference. "We [the ROSI members] have the feeling that this partnership is the biggest step forward and even if some of us had doubts about this initiative, now we are sure not only eLiberatica will take place but also is going to have a huge success too." 01 Jul 2006