Only a month until eLiberatica 2007 conference

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Dear friends,

As you might have noticed, under the Sessions and Workshops section ,we have listed the subjects that our keynote speakers will cover in their presentations at eLiberatica. You will notice that we decided that a part of the keynote speakers to give two speeches each.
We hope you will be as much enchanted as we are of their availability of discussing with the audience, so that every question you might have to find answers.

We also remind you that until the 1st of May you can register for199 euro, afterwards the price being 249 euros for the BCT (Basic Conference Ticket).

We are waiting for your questions regarding the conference.

We hope everyone of you will be present at Brasov in the 18th and 19th of May, there will surely be moments we will all remember.

The eLiberatica team

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