The release of the website and speakers confirmation

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Starting today, is almost complete. The last thing remaining is that you should start to communicate with us!

After around 5689 hours since the first official communication about the eLiberatica project, 3646 hours since we decided to work together, 830 emails changed, few operative meetings, some discussions on Yahoo Messenger, numberless tables with figures, some extinguished brain cells and few more extra wrinkles (for who’s counting), eLiberatica is since today a living reality.

Regarding the launch of this instrument of communication, we, the ones who built it, can only say that is very close to what we wish from all the surrounding things: it looks good, it works well, it doesn’t communicate excessively but it communicates enough, it has diversity, is full, and is colorful. We are waiting for the public voice to tell us it should have been developed vertically, is not dynamically enough, the news must have been published in the right side, the pictures were supposed to be straight and not half profile, PHP always comes before MySQL … or the other way around

All these will be pretexts for us to communicate what we already know: we can’t exist unless we can be criticized; the essential condition to move forward is for you to see us and give us objective feedbacks.

We are waiting for all of you to visit us and write us what you believe about both eLiberatica project as well as about this first institutionalized manifestation of the initiative… to tell us what is good about them and especially what are bad.

We are going to be here, on and we’ll be glad to communicate with you!

The eLiberatica Team

Below you can find the speakers which confirmed their presence to eLiberatica:

  • Rasmus Lerdorf – The creator of PHP, language used in over 22 millions websites.
  • Monty Widenius – The main architect and supervisor of MySQL, most popular open source DBMS.
  • Brian Behlendorf – One of Apache Project founders, the server that host more than 60% of the web.
  • Zak Greant – The evangelist who will represent Mozilla (no more words here).
  • Jim Willis (Director of eGovernment and IT, Rhode Island, SUA) – the promoter of OS/FS in the US public administration.
  • Aleksander Farstad – Founder and CEO of eZ systems (the company developing one of the most important enterprise open source CMS: eZ publish).
  • Kurt von Finck – He comes as a representative for GNOME and those developing Ubuntu.
  • Bogomil Sophov şi Yovko Lambrev – supporters of OS/FS movement Bulgaria, coordinators for WebTech and OpenFest events.
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