The birth of ROSI Group

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On March 10th, Lucian Savluc, started to organize a very important FLOSS event in Romania, a conference which will promote the Open Source / Free Software ideals and the benefits the business community can obtain by implementing these practices.

Discussions, between him and Zak Greant, about creating a grassroots movement based on OS / FS ideals in Romania started few months early. Based on Zak's experience and advices, the idea of a conference shaped and was actually materialized.

The first step was to get in touch and connect with the existing OS/FS communities members from Romania. Some members have been chosen and invited into a new group named "ROSI - Romanian Open Source and Free Software Initiative".
In a very short time, the things began to evolve and the ROSI initiative moved to a Basecamp project. This group doesn't have any legal statute for now. Because of the time problem, it is planned to become a non-governmental organization, soon after the conference.

The next steps were to define clear objectives and discussion topics. Another very important thing to decide was exactly which segment of the IT community must be targeted. There were talks about naming the event too.

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